Monday, July 26, 2010

The Bioethics of Reproductive Technology: IVF, Test Tube Babies, and Genetic Selection

Reproductive technology is a hotly debated topic in many political, religious, and scientific circles. The bioethical implications of reproductive technology are tricky and confusing to sort through.

To fully formulate our opinions on the bioethics of reproductive technology, specifically in-vitro fertilization (IVF), we will consult a variety of sources and add our opinions to these sources to participate in the online discourse surrounding emerging reproductive technology.

Steps to follow and sources to consult:

1) First watch the informational video on the process of IVF. (Ms. Roy will check you off as you watch the video)

2)Read the MSNBC article about IVF and the first "test tube baby". Make sure to watch the video at the bottom of the page! (While you are doing this complete the concept map or worksheet on the bioethical implications of IVF).

3) Read one woman's personal experience with IVF and respond to her bioethical question at the bottom of her blog entry ON HER blog.

4)Search this women’s health blog and post a response about the bioethics of another women’s reproductive health issue on our Cardozo Bio Blog using the information on the women’s health blog. You should title your response according to the reproductive health issue being discussed, tell the class about the issue and how it relates to what we have just learned, and post a link to where we can find more information.

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