Monday, July 26, 2010

Neuroethics and Neruo-Enhancement Drugs

We have begun to call the ethical implications of biological innovations, bioethics.

Now the scientific community deems the examination of what is right and wrong, good and bad about the treatment, perfection, or invasion of the human brain as neuroethics.

A huge part of the discussion of neuroethics is neuro-enhancement drugs, which are drugs which one takes to improve their cognitive (thinking) abilities.

In our discussion of neuroethics and neuro-enhancement drugs, we will consult a variety of sources to formulate our opinions on these serious issues.

Steps to follow and sources to consult:

1) To review the nervous system, view this animation and write down all familiar vocabulary that you hear and see while watching the animation.

2) Next, read about the basics of neuroethics at UPENN's high school bioethics site and complete a worksheet asking you about the field of neuroethics.

3) Read about neuro-enhancement drugs, like Adderall, and their harms and benefits on the brain. You will complete the first 5 questions on the Adderall worksheet with this site.

4) Watch this short 60 minutes video clip on Adderall use and complete the last 5 questions on the Adderall worksheet.

5) Finally, you must post to the Cardozo Bio Blog your opinion of neuroethics, neuro-enhancement drugs like Adderall, and you must post a link to another site which discusses another neuroethics issue (the UPENN neuroethics site is a great one to consult for more links to other neuroethics discussions). You MAY NOT post a link to a site that a classmate has already posted.

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